A Plot Twist
I started out my last post by stating that one of my goals for this blog was to always be honest and open about where we are in our adoption journey. That has not changed, although I have been struggling to find the words to start this entry. Hang on with me, this one may be a little more up and down than usual. December is two days away. Christmas will be here in under a month. My plans for this month were to push the book hard, everywhere we could. We also have Christmas cards that need to be marketed, and I annually do a Christmas concert at a little country church nearby that is on the National Historic Registry which has become one of my favorite places to sing. I intended to sing my way through this month and raise adoption dollars from generous folks who like to give to charitable causes at Christmas. Thus were my plans. As it turns out, life has taken a different twist. My December calendar now revolves around two dates, Christma...