
Showing posts from February, 2013

Would you rather....

Ever play "Would you Rather?"  It's this torturous little game where you are given two completely undesireable options which you must choose between, and then explain why you chose one torment over the other.  Example: "Would you rather eat a plate full of toenails or a plate full of hair?"  A rational person would scream, "Neither!"  But neither is not an option, so you pick one over the other and justify it with something ridiculous like, "I'd eat toenails because I prefer crunchy things over stringy ones."  It's really quite absurd. Well, there are some days I think I live in a "Would you Rather" game.  Like today, when I was putting away groceries.  The question in my head was, "Would you rather get all the groceries put away in a relatively quick manner without a screaming baby, or would you prefer to sanitize the cans of soda that he is gleefully rolling across the floor, building towers with, trying to stick in ...

Preheat to 375 and Wait...

Don't you love it when people post weird titles that make no sense?  Oh wait, I just did that!  :)  Hang with me for a few minutes, and I promise that will come together for you.  But we have to cover some back stories first. Seven weeks ago I had a follow-up visit with my surgeon after having had half my thyroid removed fourteen days before.  Our major concerns going into that surgery were two-fold: that my vocal cords would be damaged, and that I might have cancer.  The plan was to take half the thyroid, test the mass on it while I was still in the operating room, and if cancer was there, take the other half.  The first thing I asked Steve in recovery was whether they took half or all of the thyroid.  He told me they only took half, and I quickly discovered that I did indeed still have a voice, so I thought we were good to go from there and that everything would be smooth sailing, just get on some meds and move on. So I was caught completely o...