
Showing posts from July, 2015

Lately Ive been thinking....

Lately Ive been thinking about how my life has changed since we started down the road to adoption.  We have done an awful lot of work for what doesn't feel like an  awful lot of movement, and my normal looks quite a bit  different than it used to.   Here's a short list to better illustrate what I mean: Prior to adopting never had I ever: Blogged about anything whatsoever Expressed an opinion on Facebook Experienced pangs of homesickness for someone I've never met Sold personal belongings on Craig's List Wept publicly so much that no one even considers it unusual anymore Also, never before adoption did I ever: Know what paper beads were, much less wear them all the time Know that 80% of the world's orphans result  from poverty and feel compelled to do something about it Have a psychiatrist diagnose me as  "despicably healthy" and tell me what a great choice I made in marrying Steve based on his personality assessment Walk a constant tight rope between ...