A Butter Future

My third grader is evidently learning about politics.  His social studies assignment includes a statement that one of the candidates running for president is promising "a butter future."  I am a big fan of this platform!  In a world "saturated" with  "salty" language and "greasy" politicians, I can get on board with someone who cares about the "margerinalized" and who wants to "spread" around "promise" of a tasty tomorrow.  And now enough with the bad word play, I'll stop before you "can't believe" what you're reading and write off this entire post as a "country crock!"  :)
Clearly, I am dillerious.  Most people would be after the crazy week the Sheltons have had.  We've had three birthday celebrations, announced to the Facebook world that we're adopting, became officially published, kicked off our first fundraiser, made a trip to Urgent Care, attended an adoption webinar, studied about early Christian martyrs, collected box tops and pop tabs for school, and tried to work our fulltime jobs in a semi-coherent manner.  It's been a trip!
Here are a few things we've learned this week:
Our boys need to further develop their culinary pallets.  We went out for Mexican for Trevor's birthday, and the boys paired their tacos with fries and mac and cheese.  Yikes!  Then the waiter began telling us what it was like raising four kids of his own, two boys, and two girls, and did his best impression of a moody teenage girl.  I think this might have been the first time Tyler ever showed any concern about adopting as he remarked in disbelief, "And we're adopting a girl."  Yes, indeed we are!
We have learned that you can never predict how people will react when you tell them you're going to adopt.  We've been told everything from we're crazy to we're amazing and an inspiration, and the truth lies somewhere in between.  We've had people say they weren't surprised, people act completely shocked, and a few say nothing at all, and all of that is okay.
We have learned that Steve and I together are extremely creative!  We are designing all kinds of schemes to raise the money that we need, some of which I'm really excited about!  Stay tuned for more about that in future weeks and months.
Finally, we have learned some really encouraging things about our publishing company.  For instance, they offer coupons (yay) which allow anyone who orders our book to get a discount, but doesn't seem to affect our profit.  We're really, really grateful for this.  The costs of printing the paperbook are higher than we would like them to be, so being able to offer friends and family a lower price and still inch closer toward our really big dollar goal is a great thing!
Lulu.com also offers discounts to anyone who orders the book in bulk.  The more you buy, the more you save.  The coupon offers can be bundled together with the bulk pricing to bring the costs down even more.
So if you haven't bought the book yet and need a little encouragement, go to Lulu.com between now and October 5, and enter the code word PLUMA to receive a 20% discount.
Thanks to those of you who have already bought the book, forwarded the link to our blog, and repost our story onto your Facebook accounts.  The wheels are starting to turn, and although we have a long, long way to go, we're officially on the journey, moving forward, and preparing for all that lies ahead.


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