"Finish the race" pt 2

We have now reached a point in our "Finish the Race" fundraiser that is similar to where we are in the adoption journey.  We are a little more than halfway through, pushing toward an an eventual conclusion, but without a clue what the end result will be!  To further complicate matters, my creative brain is shutting down and I'm running out of ideas as to how to keep the campaign fresh and interesting, despite my great passion for it.  There is a very fine line between keeping people up-to-date and informed and badgering them to death to buy a tee-shirt.  The cheerleader/business woman in me says,  "promote, promote, promote," and the tired suburban mom in the middle of soccer season says "enough  is enough!"   

Conveniently, this shirt by its very existence pushes me forward, as it is, after all, intended to encourage me, and people like me, to finish what we've started, even if its hard!  All kinds of sports analogies and parallels can be drawn from "Finish the Race," but the one that stands out most to me at the moment is this.  It's not how you start a race that counts, it's how you finish.  Lots of people start things; a lot fewer complete them.

A report was recently published showing that international adoptions to the United States have dropped to their lowest levels in thirty years.  While I am convinced there are a number of reasons for this decline, I believe the biggest one is simply that adoption is hard. Very, very hard.  And that's okay!  

Those of us who are trying to bring home a child from a hard place put ourselves through a bunch of hoops just for the privilege of applying.  We raise thousands of dollars, spend hours in doctors ' offices, complete mounds of paperwork and undergo a full gamut of background/physical/psychological checks - all to be approved by a local social worker and foreign government officials we'll never meet to be entrusted with a precious little one.

Many, many times people have quipped to me that anybody can have a biological child, but those of us who want to adopt are put through endless scrutiny when we're trying to do something good for a child who desperately needs it.  Or, on the other hand, several people have told me that they started to adopt, but that they gave up because it was too hard, or too costly, or too involved.

Both of these sentiments make me a little sad.  The truth is, for all the nuisance that the process is, I am grateful for it.  No one wants to unknowingly adopt a child who shouldn't be adoptable, and no adoptive parent wants the process for those who would harm children to be easy.  While the system could stand improvement, the intent is to protect children.   so we press on with a healthy respect for the way that things are.

With that said, we will stick to it.  We will keep fighting the good fight, and keep on keeping the faith, so that we can some day finish the race.

That doesn't mean it won't be hard, that I won't cry tears of frustration or longing, or that I won't pray that God somehow speeds this whole thing up.  It simply means we will do whatever it takes to get our daughter home! 
As for logistics, I outlined the expected wait times in my last post, so I won't belabor it here.  But since this is a fundraiser, I ought to at least explain what we need and where we are in that regard.

We have spent a lot of money.  A lot!  Truth be told, I don't keep track of the actual numbers because it just stresses me out if I do.  My current motto is, "God keeps sending it, and I keep spending it."  We have faithfully saved every penny given to us for this cause, and have enough for the next program fee in reserve.  But the prices of travel, administration, and everything else keep going out so we need a lot, lot more.  We know the money will come so long as we are faithful to the call and do our part while trusting God to do His!

We will run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus,  the author and perfecter of our faith!  (Hebrews 12:1-2).  

Won't you join us?  Whatever journey you're on, whatever call you're pursuing,  whatever race you're running, hold to it.  Don't give up now!  Some things are worth the fight!

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1.

"Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified.  Do not be discouraged.  For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

If  you would like to support us by purchasing a "Finish the Race" shirt, please order by following the link below:

"Give thanks to the Lord.  His love endures forever."


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